Monday, October 9, 2017

Artist Statement pre-Project 3

When thinking about what I should explore for the project about the cyclical nature of things, I wanted to choose something that meant a lot to me.  I eventually came to the conclusion I wanted to focus on the cycle of moving on and growing, taking photos of my childhood home and surrounding area, and using those images.  I plan on using one of the images I shot on 35mm and doing something about the cycle of leaving a place and moving on.


  1. Hannah, this is such a unique idea, I cannot wait to see what it turns into. I love the idea of us and our families and our homes caught in a cycle of being home and then one day not being home and then it starts over with a new home. That's really cool I have never thought of that.

  2. I really like your concept, it is definitely unique and I haven't seen anything like it before. It will be cool to see how the composition turns out.

  3. I like this concept a lot! I am excited to see where you take your project and how it can relate to your viewer. Since everyone reflects on their childhood and how its a cycle everyone can relate to.

  4. I liked your photographs that you took of the home you grew up in. It will make your final project very personal. I'm interested in seeing the final result you come up with.
